
QG – Best stop gambling Addiction app 2024

If you’re looking for a mobile app to help you stop gambling, this article is for you! Here is our top list of stop gambling addiction apps 2024. We will present the Quit Gamble app and look at alternative stop gambling apps on the market.

What do you want in a stop gambling app?

Millions of mobile apps are on the market, but few focus on addiction. If you are struggling with gambling, you probably want an app that focuses on your challenges. Here are a few criteria for a good stop gambling addiction app:

  • Dedicated to people with gambling problems.
  • Available 24/7
  • Full of people you can share the experience with.
  • Tools to help you decrease the urge to gamble.

Which are the best stop gambling apps?

Compare to Fitness apps, the supply of dedicated apps to stop gambling is scarce. There are a few mobile apps you can check out. We have listed the ones we found most interesting below.

Quit Gamble app

We are proud to present our free stop gambling app Quit Gamble. Quit Gamble is a comprehensive tool to help people beat gambling addiction on iPhone and Android. Among the features, you’ll find the Happiness Test, chat functions, a large community with thousands of members who can relate to you, a support group for affected others, video courses, a forum, and inspirational emails. The latest addition is the Welcome Challenge! Don’t miss that!

The Quit Gamble app offers nearly everything the website-based version of QuitGamble.com offers. On QG, we believe pain is the cause of addiction. We help people identify and reduce the pain they experience. Each video course is designed to help you decrease painful feelings like loneliness, boredom, stress, feeling meaningless, or anxiety.


  • 100% Free!
  • No requirement to admit to a problem
  • Complete anonymity (if you want)
  • Individual plans to help you stop gambling.
  • 5,000+ members in the online community.
  • Chat / Forum /Support groups
  • Video Courses
  • Happiness Test
  • Focusing on decreasing pain and thereby reducing the urge to gamble.


  • The app is a bit slow sometimes.
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QuitGamble is probably the most versatile stop gambling addiction app 2024 for users who want community video courses and don’t want to pay for them. You get everything you need right in your pocket. Read more about how to quit gambling addiction in the 9-step guide.

What is Recover Me?

RecoverMe is a neat app that uses mindfulness. The app’s premium version costs £9.99/month or £99.99/year. You get access to a course in mindfulness. According to research, mindfulness can help you develop better impulse control and self-discipline and stabilize your emotions. The gambling addiction app offers six CBT therapy sessions that can help users change their behavior. You can also keep a diary in the app, get some support and use the SOS function. “This provides you with strategies to manage your urges better to gamble when you experience them in real-time,” according to their website. 


  • Uses mindfulness to reduce gambling urges
  • Well-organized and user-friendly mobile app.
  • A helpful tool that can be used separately or in combination with other problem gambling apps.
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  • No community
  • For some people, mindfulness might be a fussy concept.

What is Gambless?

Gambless is an exciting app. One of the more advanced apps focuses on helping people with gambling problems. Some parts of it are free to use. You can, for instance, write your diary and do “one task” per day where you work on various feelings. If you’re impatient, you might get frustrated that you can only do a limited number of things daily. In the mobile app for gambling addicts, you find programs covering. If you want to know more, check out this Gambless article.


  • The app is working on the underlying reasons for the gambling problem.
  • Material to work on yourself (courses and feelings)
  • Slick design and user-friendly
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  • The courses cost $99/each
  • No community
  • You can only do one task per day.

If you want to stop gambling, a mobile app can be helpful. Several apps help you block yourself from accessing gambling-related content. For instance, if you search for a casino name in Google and click on the link in the search results, the software will prevent you from entering the site. The more advanced casino blocking apps also prevent you from using a casino or betting apps. Two such apps are Gamban and BetBlocker.


Gamban is a fantastic tool you should add to your toolbar if you gamble online and want to stop. Services like Gamstop (UK) and Spelpaus (Sweden) are helpful but only cover online casinos within their jurisdiction. Gamban can help prevent you from entering online gambling sites, which can be invaluable when urged to gamble. Gamban is a problem gambling app that focuses on preventing you from gambling. It’s best used with the Quit Gamble app. Then you’re getting an effective blocking tool and an app that makes you work on yourself to become gambling-free.  


  • Blocks online casinos (no matter jurisdiction)
  • Blocks gambling apps


  • Gamban only blocks you from accessing online casinos. It doesn’t help you decrease the urge to gamble.
  • Takes some time to install.
  • Cost around €30/year.

If you want to know more about Gamban, see our full review.


Betblocker is another blocking software. It works like Gamban by preventing users from accessing gambling websites. Betblocker is a free gambling blocker app. That can give you extra support when you want to gamble, but know you shouldn’t. BB is a gambling addiction app focusing on preventing you from gambling. To get the best results, we recommend you use Betblocker with an app or service that helps you lower the urge to gamble. If you don’t address the reason behind your gambling problem, you’re running away from the issue.


  • Blocks online casinos (no matter jurisdiction)
  • Blocks gambling apps
  • Free to use


  • Limited to prevent access to gambling sites.
  • Takes some time to install.

Betblocker has grown in popularity over the past few years. The software is free to use. If you want to read more, check out our full Betblocker review.

Can a gambling app help you stop gambling?

Traditionally, the only addiction treatment has been support meetings or visiting a skilled psychologist. None of the best stop gambling addiction apps 2024 above is meant to compete with support meetings or CBT programs with a therapist. Suppose the 12 steps work for you; AWESOME! But if you need an alternative to GA or want a compliment to your current support. We can recommend the following:

  1. If possible, self-exclude yourself from as many gambling opportunities around you as possible. Perhaps there is a national program you can sign up for.  
  2. Install blocking software on your cellphone and desktop. It’ll make it harder to gamble when you get an urge to.
  3. Choose one of the stop gambling apps Quit Gamble, RecoverMe, and/or Gambless, and start working on yourself. If you want to become truly free from gambling, you need to put in some work. There are no shortcuts, but using a mobile app can improve your chances, help you make some new friends and hopefully make the process more enjoyable and more manageable.

Good luck!

Read More

  • 53 Symptoms of gambling addiction
  • After 5 years of working with QuitGamble.com. We’ve talked with 100s of gamblers, and here is what we’ve learned about the symptoms of gambling addiction. Worldwide, millions are suffering from gambling problems, compulsive gambling, and gambling addiction. According to the Swedish Health Authorities, 3-4% of the Swedish population shows some gambling addiction symptoms.

  • How to help an addict who doesn’t understand his problem.
  • We want to create the ultimate guide for relatives of someone with gambling problems. An ultimate guide would:

  • Alternative to Gamblers anonymous
  • According to GA, “Once an addict, always an addict”. On QuitGamble.com, we refuse to accept that, and we believe a person can be free from their addiction. Before we begin, we’d like to point out that we don’t see QG as a competitor to Gamblers Anonymous. We’re all doing our best to help people with gambling problems return to everyday life. If GA works for you, AWESOME! We couldn’t be happier for you! Continue doing what works for . If you need an alternative to GA, then QuitGamble.com might be interesting to you.