
How to help an addict who doesn’t understand his problem.

We want to create the ultimate guide for relatives of someone with gambling problems. An ultimate guide would:

This article intent to:

  1. Give hope…
  2. Give power…
  3. Give help…
  4. Give alternatives…
  5. Give something unique…
  6. Give a clear plan for how to do it…

We have created a video course to help you protect yourself and help the addict. Here are some of the things you’ll learn in the video course:

  • Understand why the person gambled.
  • Get the situation under control.
  • Protect your mental health.
  • Create the hope you need to act.
  • Give you tips and tools so you know how to help the gambler

If you still not sure the course is for you. Here is the introduction video.

We want to give our readers and members the best possible support to increase the chances that the person quit gambling.

Members of QuitGamble.com have access to the chat room and forum to get help from other relatives and ask questions to people with gambling problems. This is a unique feature we are happy to provide.

BUT we want to create something more… We want to answer the ultimate question:

How can a person who doesn’t accept his problem seek help?

If you, as a relative, have talked to the addict and nothing happens. He doesn’t think he has a problem! Why should he change then?

How can we help the person then?

Is there any way out of this? Is the only way for him to accept his problem that he loses everything…? That it’s when he reaches rock bottom. Then he can admit his problem.

It sounds horrible! We don’t accept this! We’ll find a solution to this problem, one for a few strategies to help you as a relative to a gambling addict to convince the person he needs help to stop gambling.

Fundamentals to overcome:

  • You can never get a person to do something they don’t want to do
  • Threats will not work
  • Logic reasoning might not work

With our help, we have the book How to win Friends and Influence People, the Youtube channel Charisma on Command, and our own cunning… Let’s see if we can do what some would say is impossible…

We say I’m possible…

We’re proud of the guide we created to help affect others. Let us know if you find it useful too.


We’ve a course for family members. In 10 videos, we help you help the person.

Read More

  • 53 Symptoms of gambling addiction
  • After 5 years of working with QuitGamble.com. We’ve talked with 100s of gamblers, and here is what we’ve learned about the symptoms of gambling addiction. Worldwide, millions are suffering from gambling problems, compulsive gambling, and gambling addiction. According to the Swedish Health Authorities, 3-4% of the Swedish population shows some gambling addiction symptoms.

  • How to help an addict who doesn’t understand his problem.
  • We want to create the ultimate guide for relatives of someone with gambling problems. An ultimate guide would:

  • Alternative to Gamblers anonymous
  • According to GA, “Once an addict, always an addict”. On QuitGamble.com, we refuse to accept that, and we believe a person can be free from their addiction. Before we begin, we’d like to point out that we don’t see QG as a competitor to Gamblers Anonymous. We’re all doing our best to help people with gambling problems return to everyday life. If GA works for you, AWESOME! We couldn’t be happier for you! Continue doing what works for . If you need an alternative to GA, then QuitGamble.com might be interesting to you.