Stress Master Class

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I believe stress is something we all try to escape from. Gambling, drinking, shopping, or drugs might be ways to forget about the pain the stress causes. We believe there is a better way though.

Last year, I read a book that changed my life: The Upside of Stress by Kelly McGonigal. For years, I’ve thought that stress is something we need to suppress and that stress will kill you! Then, I read about the latest research on stress from Stanford University. Wow, what would it mean to you if stress were something good?

In 2024, there is stress everywhere. We simply can’t escape it. In this program, you’ll learn about the upside of stress. You’ll learn how stress can be a friend, which gives you superpowers.

In this course about stress, we’ll share the latest research about stress with you and help you transform stress into a friend.

We’re really excited to share this program with you!

Good luck!

Course Includes

7 lessons

7 quizzes