This is an important page for us. Here we share the latest news about QG, in-depth articles and support material for our guides. You’ll also find research data about gambling addiction. Let us know, if you want anything special covered here
List of Needs – Nonviolent Communication
If you want to improve your vocabulary of feelings, we have prepared a set of flashcards and other fun tools to help you practice feelings. We’re using an external tool […]
Nonviolent Communication – Example of how to handle anger:
This article is part of our video course in Nonviolent Communication. Here is an example of how to handle anger differently using Nonviolent Communication from a conversation with a friend.
NonViolent Communication in my life – Listen with empathy
When listening with empathy – How do you know when the person has had enough empathy? Here is an example from my life.
21 ways to protect yourself from a gambling spouse
This article focuses on how you can protect yourself from a gambling spouse. If you want to read about support for spouses of gambling addicts, we can recommend our extensive guide how to help a gambling addict, or read an interview with a gambler’s daughter, use these links.
Husband with gambling addiction?
We recently received an email from a woman with a gambling addicted husband. Perhaps you can relate to her story and have similar questions. Then the post about how to help a husband with gambling addiction can help you too.
What is Gambling Counseling?
What happens in gambling counseling? What help can you expect? What questions can you ask, and what questions will the counselor ask you? Let’s find out if counseling for gambling […]
How to help an addict who doesn’t understand his problem.
We want to create the ultimate guide for relatives of someone with gambling problems. An ultimate guide would:
Can BetBlocker help me stop gambling?
Betblocker is a free app you can install on your mobile, desktop, and tablet to block yourself from online gambling. It’s a popular tool that will limit your access to gambling.