
1800 GAMBLER  – New National Gambling addiction hotline

The National Council for Problem Gambling has signed a six-year leasing agreement with The Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey (CCGNJ). The intention is to create a new national hotline number for problem gamblers.

1800 GAMBLER printscreen of website

#1800Gambler – The leasing agreement is signed, but it remains to be seen when the new national helpline program will be live. When the program is fully operational, you can call 1 800 GAMBLER from any state in the US, and you’ll automatically be connected to the hotline close to you. If you live in Chicago, you’ll be redirected to the Michigan Gambling Addiction Hotline instead of calling 1-800-270-7117.

What is 1800 GAMBLER?

What 1 800 GAMBLER does is support the problem gamblers and their families. The gambling hotline gets calls from people who want to know more about gambling or who may be struggling with a gambling problem.

1 800 GAMBLER also gets a lot of calls from family members concerned about their loved ones. If you’re struggling with gambling addiction, 1 800 GAMBLER could be a place to begin your journey to a gambling-free life.

We want to make sure that they know that they should gamble responsibly. The Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey is neither for nor against gambling. They want to ensure that the player is protected and that the clients know how to gamble responsibly.

The problem gamblers we see at 1 800 gambler NJ are those struggling with going to the casinos and spending too much money gambling. The other type of gamblers calling the 1800 gamble is the Internet gambler because online gambling is so accessible. People get gambling problems because of the availability of gambling. Some callers also struggle with lottery problems.

Even with no casinos, people gamble on lottery machines in their neighborhoods. They’re the ones that are spending money a lot on gambling.

Who can call 1 800 gambler?

The 1 800 GAMBLER hotline started in New Jersey and is still part of the CCGNJ through 1800GAMBLER.org. In the past, only people in the state of New Jersey could call the gambling help hotline, but with a new collaboration with NCPG, all Americans and Canadians could call the number to get support.

Anyone can call the hotline if they are concerned about their gambling. The hotline provides a counselor to talk with, self-help resources, and information about problem gambling, and the caller can get connected to a therapist.

What happens when you call 1 800 Gambler?

#Calling1800Gambler – Here are some things that are good to know. The gambling helpline is FREE, open 24/7, and completely confidential. Nobody else will see that you’ve called. The people answering take 100s of calls every month; they can answer most questions and suggest what to do next.

When you call 1 800 GAMBLER, you can get emergency crisis counseling. The support line also offers support to people affected by gambling. Suppose someone close to you gambles too much. You can find help here on QuitGamble.com in our Affected Others guide or call 1800GAMBLER and talk with a counselor. 

The gambling hotline also supplies the caller with some treatment options. You can get a 1 and 1 support number from a therapist in your state or get tips on various support groups you can join. 

Through the gambling hotline number, they can get the help they need if the caller seeks a gambling treatment option or needs someone to talk to. Then they can call 800 GAMBLER and send a TEXT or Chat via the website. Any question is okay to ask.

#StopGambling – The organization aims to ensure everyone knows where to go for gambling help. That people know they can call 1800 GAMBLER 24/7, and that they can get the support they need to stop gambling.

Everyone at the hotline wants to ensure that the problem gamblers are being serviced. 1 800 GAMBLER takes every caller seriously. If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, they can call 800 gamblers.

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