
101 Reasons NOT to Stop Gambling

This is a very different article… I’ve recently thought a lot about how to best help people stop gambling. (I promise, it’s not an easy task…) Because sometimes people don’t […]

cons of stopping gambling addiction

This is a very different article…

I’ve recently thought a lot about how to best help people stop gambling. (I promise, it’s not an easy task…) Because sometimes people don’t want to stop gambling. So, I’d like to make a small experiment with you.

Suppose you’re so fed up with gambling already… and just want to stop. Join our MasterClass Community here!

I’ve created a list of 101 reasons NOT to stop gambling. I’m not going to argue with you if these are right or wrong. It’s completely up to you! The list is a thought experiment trying to help you and me to understand why people don’t take action to stop gambling, even if gambling keep ruining every aspect of their lives (maybe, you can relate to that…)

Here are 101 reasons NOT to stop gambling — some real, some exaggerated, but all inspired by the thoughts gamblers often have. How many can you relate to?

The Great List of Justifications

  1. I might win big one day!
  2. Gambling is my only chance to change my life overnight.
  3. Gambling helps me escape reality.
  4. I don’t have anything else to do with my time.
  5. The casino gives me free drinks!
  6. If I quit now, all my past losses in gambling will have been for nothing.
  7. Gambling is the only way I know how to relax.
  8. I love the thrill of gambling—it makes me feel alive.
  9. Gambling is my way of socializing.
  10. I deserve to have fun.
  11. Gambling is better than drinking or doing drugs.
  12. I’m good at gambling—I just need better luck.
  13. I need a hobby, and gambling is my hobby.
  14. Casinos have the best food!
  15. Gambling is my tradition. Everyone in my family gambles.

Are you still with me? Can you relate to any of these reasons not to stop gambling? Think about it, do you use them to justify to yourself to keep gambling?

Let’s keep going… Here are some more!

  1. I don’t want to admit I have a problem with gambling.
  2. My favorite slot machine is about to pay out—I can feel it!
  3. It’s my turn to win in gambling.
  4. I already lost so much gambling, I can’t stop now.
  5. Gambling is a form of investment.
  6. I need to make back what I lost gambling.
  7. I’ll be bored if I stop gambling.
  8. What else will I do when I get paid?
  9. I don’t want to deal with real life.
  10. Sports are more exciting when I bet on them.
  11. I promised myself I’d quit gambling after I win big.
  12. I need to prove to myself that I can win at gambling.
  13. Gambling is a challenge, and I like challenges.
  14. Quitting gambling means I failed.
  15. Everyone else gambles, why shouldn’t I?
  16. Gambling helps me cope with stress.
  17. I like the sounds and lights of the casino.
  18. I can’t resist the urge to gamble.
  19. I feel lucky today.
  20. I don’t have a problem with gambling; other people just don’t understand.
  21. Gambling is my escape from loneliness.
  22. My friends gamble, and I don’t want to be left out.
  23. I might win the jackpot.
  24. Gambling is cheaper than therapy.
  25. Casinos make me feel important.
  26. What’s life without a little risk?
  27. I’ve got a system that works for gambling!
  28. I don’t want to lose my VIP status.
  29. If I quit gambling, the casinos win, and I can’t let that happen.
  30. Gambling helps me forget my problems.
  31. I don’t want to deal with my emotions.
  32. The thrill of gambling is addictive, and I like it.
  33. If I quit gambling, I’ll feel like a loser.
  34. I don’t want to hear “I told you so.”

If you’re tired of reading, it’s okay to jump ahead to see the point of this article! Otherwise, here are more cons of stopping gambling.

  1. I’ll stop gambling after one more win.
  2. Quitting gambling is for quitters!
  3. I love the chase of gambling.
  4. I can quit gambling whenever I want… just not today.
  5. I enjoy proving people wrong.
  6. Gambling makes me feel powerful.
  7. I just need one more loan for gambling.
  8. I know a guy who won big gambling—why not me?
  9. I can’t let the casino beat me at gambling.
  10. Gambling is just entertainment!
  11. Casinos give me free hotel rooms!
  12. Gambling makes me feel lucky, even when I lose.
  13. I can’t imagine life without gambling.
  14. Quitting gambling would mean I wasted years.
  15. I love the adrenaline rush of gambling.
  16. I like to gamble when I’m happy, sad, or bored.
  17. Gambling is my way to rebel against the system.
  18. If I stop gambling, I’ll have to face my real problems.
  19. The dealer smiled at me—it’s a sign I should keep gambling!
  20. I’ve studied gambling strategies; I just need more practice.
  21. I don’t want to be a quitter.
  22. Gambling makes me feel important.
  23. I need an escape from my responsibilities.
  24. Gambling is my way of feeling in control.
  25. My life would be boring without gambling.
  26. I don’t know how to live without gambling.
  27. I like testing my luck with gambling.
  28. I love the feeling when I win gambling.
  29. Gambling is the only place where I feel special.
  30. The casino is my second home.
  31. I’ve convinced myself I’m a professional gambler.
  32. Casinos make me feel like a winner, even when I lose.
  33. I always tip the dealer, so karma will pay me back in gambling.
  34. I think I have a psychic connection with slot machines.
  35. What if I stop gambling and the next spin was my jackpot?
  36. I don’t want to give up the dream of winning at gambling.
  37. I like the fantasy of being rich from gambling.
  38. I get a rush even when I lose gambling.
  39. I don’t trust people who don’t gamble.
  40. I can stop gambling anytime… but I won’t.
  41. I don’t want to be ordinary.
  42. Gambling is part of who I am.
  43. Gambling makes life exciting.
  44. I just need to be more disciplined in gambling.
  45. I refuse to accept that the odds are against me in gambling.
  46. I like having a secret double life with gambling.
  47. I feel like a high roller, even when I’m broke.
  48. Gambling is my identity.
  49. I don’t want to be bored like other people.
  50. I don’t have a problem with gambling; other people do!
  51. Gambling is fun!
  52. I don’t want to stop gambling.

WOW, maybe I made things worse now. I must admit, that was a long list of arguments not to stop gambling.

At the same time, you came here for a reason. You found our website because gambling is causing a lot of problems for you.

Reflex on the list above again … How many of the reasons are actually reasons to keep going, and how many are illusions we keep creating for ourselves? (and the gambling companies for sure help us!)

What does that person on “the other side of the wall” look like? How does he/she feel about life? Do you want to be that person?

This thought experiment is part of a change process. (That you’ve started)

I want to help you stop gambling. I listed things that keep you gambling – Reasons that prevent you from taking action to become the person you want to be. (See the wall in the image above.)

The next step is to list advantaged of stopping gambling. What would it mean to you? How would your life be different? How would it change your relationships? Your future?

Let’s take down the wall together! Let’s get you started! One day to do that is to list reasons to stop gambling.

Stopping gambling can be easy and enjoyable – And you don’t need to do it alone! In our community, you get access to our MasterClass, Zoom Calls, coaching and you can get a buddy to work with.

By joining the community, you can actually become a better person than you were before you started gambling. You’ll learn a lot about yourself that will help you become the person you’ve always wanted to be!

Let’s Kick Addiction’s Ass together!

Read More

  • Alternative to Gamblers anonymous
  • According to GA, “Once an addict, always an addict”. On QuitGamble.com, we refuse to accept that, and we believe a person can be free from their addiction. Before we begin, we’d like to point out that we don’t see QG as a competitor to Gamblers Anonymous. We’re all doing our best to help people with gambling problems return to everyday life. If GA works for you, AWESOME! We couldn’t be happier for you! Continue doing what works for . If you need an alternative to GA, then QuitGamble.com might be interesting to you.

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