This is an important page for us. Here we share the latest news about QG, in-depth articles and support material for our guides. You’ll also find research data about gambling addiction. Let us know, if you want anything special covered here
What is Gambling Counseling?
What happens in gambling counseling? What help can you expect? What questions can you ask, and what questions will the counselor ask you? Let’s find out if counseling for gambling […]
How to help an addict who doesn’t understand his problem.
We want to create the ultimate guide for relatives of someone with gambling problems. An ultimate guide would:
Can BetBlocker help me stop gambling?
Betblocker is a free app you can install on your mobile, desktop, and tablet to block yourself from online gambling. It’s a popular tool that will limit your access to gambling.
QG – Best stop gambling Addiction app 2024
If you’re looking for a mobile app to help you stop gambling, this article is for you! Here is our top list of stop gambling addiction apps 2024. We will present the Quit Gamble app and look at alternative stop gambling apps on the market.
Best Gambling Addiction Tests 2024
How do you test for gambling addiction? You can’t go to the doctor to test for gambling problems. No blood test would show it. Instead, you need to ask yourself questions about your gambling behavior. This article explores a few gambling addiction tests you can make and their differences. Throughout, we recommend you understand…
Gambling hotlines in Australia
What happens when you call a gambling hotline? In a YouTube video, Jane Oaks describes how the Gambler’s helpline in Australia works to support callers. In the following article, you can read more about the helpline and what the staff focus on when someone calls them.
Why do people gamble?
Friends and family members of gamblers often ask us: Why do people gamble? They don’t understand how a person can continue to gamble, even if gambling hurts them and the lives of people around them. Research shows that the reason people gamble changes over time. So why do people gamble? interviews About Overcoming Gambling Addiction
Karimkhon Bukhadurov from interviewed as part of their ‘ Talks With…’ podcast. This series is an antidote to negative news stories that aims to shed light on organizations and experts whose work is making a positive impact on the world.