Författare: Dr Jane Oakes
Professional Summary
Dr. Jane Oakes is a renowned expert in the field of gambling addiction treatment and research, with a career spanning over several decades. Her significant roles have included serving as the Gambling Services Coordinator for Turning Point’s National Telephone and Online Services and the Gambling Topic Coordinator and lecturer within the Master of Addictive Behaviours program at Monash University. Dr. Janes Oakes has held prestigious positions at the Statewide Gambling Service and Flinders University, contributing as a team leader, senior clinician, training coordinator, and lecturer.Education
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), RELAPSE IN ELECTRONIC GAMING MACHINE GAMBLINGResearch focused on the patterns of relapse in problem gamblers, particularly within the context of electronic gaming machines. The findings have led to deeper insights into the psychological processes contributing to gambling addiction and relapse.Clinical And Academic Expertise
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) Masters degree in CBT with expertise in providing treatment and supervising clinicians for various conditions including anxiety disorders, depression, trauma AOD (including the Matrix program for methamphetamine), and problem gambling.Gambling Addiction
Significant contribution to the understanding and treatment of gambling addiction, with a particular focus on the phenomenon of ”the zone” experienced by gamblers during relapse.Telehealth and Online Treatment
Pioneering work in online gambling treatment groups, especially during the COVID pandemic, to ensure continued access to evidence-based treatments.Role At QuitGamble.Com
Clinical Reviewer: Dr. Jane Oakes is the clinical reviewer at QuitGamble.com, where she ensures the content’s clinical accuracy and trustworthiness. She reviews materials against current research and clinical standards in addiction and mental health, enhancing the platform’s reliability.Expertise
Dr. Oakes brings to QuitGamble.com a specialized expertise in psychological interventions for problem gambling, mental health issues, and addictive behaviors. Her in-depth knowledge, rooted in years of clinical practice and academic research, directly aligns with the topics discussed on the platform. She ensures that the insights and recommendations shared on QuitGamble.com are not only theoretically sound but also practically applicable, providing tangible benefits to individuals seeking help. Her expertise reinforces the site’s commitment to delivering content that is not just informative, but also transformative,Olika Spelberoende test 2023
Hur testar du för spelberoende? Du kan inte gå till läkaren för ett spelberoende test. Inget blodprov skulle visa det. Istället behöver du ställa dig själv frågor om ditt spelande. […]
En Dialog med min spelberoende hjärna
Delar ett kraftfull inlägg från en användare om hur spelberoende verkligen fungerar. Så här beskrev en av våra medlemmar sin dagliga diskussion med sin spelberoende hjärna. Spelberoende hjärna (Skapar trigger): […]
Vad du behöver veta om Online Spel
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53 oväntade Symptom på Spelberoende
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Kan Gamban hjälpa mig sluta spela?
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Finns det några Spelberoende Appar?
Om du letar efter en mobilapp för att sluta spela har du hittat rätt artikel. Här hittar du information on mobilappen Quit Gamble och några andra spelberoende appar du hittar […]
Varför spelar människor?
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Kan Betblocker hjälpa mig att sluta spela?
Betblocker är en gratis app som du kan installera på din mobil, dator och surfplatta för att blockera onlinespel. Det är ett populärt verktyg som kommer att begränsa dina spelmöjligheter. […]
Varför är spel beroendeframkallande?
o understand why gambling is addictive, we must focus on what gambling does for us. If gambling didn’t do anything for us, it would be easy to stop gambling. Why would we continue? Gambling might create excitement, but it can cost a lot of money.
Alternativ för Spelberoende Behandling
Are you looking for information about gambling rehabs? In this article, we discuss what happens at rehab, alternatives to residential treatment centers, and 5 advantages of online gambling rehab.